Sass and Responsive Typography

James shows us how we can generate nice typography for our responsive sites with Sass maps and functions Advance use of Sass. Still not getting there, but got the gist of it. Source: Sass and Responsive Typography

My Priorities (Balancing Work and Home) | Tom McFarlin

Sometimes, it can be tough balancing work and home life when you want to keep up with all of the latest technologies. There’s time for that – and more. And finally, after the last three posts (including this), get a little motivation on how to do things right. Keyword: work hours. Source: My Priorities (Balancing […]

Balancing Family and Work | Tom McFarlin

When it comes to balancing family and work, we’re all different. This is how I do it, though I’m curious how you do it, as well! Currently need more reading stuff like these, as current situation is similar but on the contrary. Source: Balancing Family and Work | Tom McFarlin