Javascript, APIs, and the Future of WordPress – Scott Bolinger

Automattic just announced Calypso, which is a radical new interface for It replaces the old admin experience with a faster, more modern approach. It uses a Javascript framework called React, which was developed by Facebook. The main advantage of React is that it’s supposed to allow development of web and mobile apps using […] Desktop App

Thought this is only a news about Linux version of Calypso. But after reading further, got little bit confused. So this desktop app is different from Calypso? Guess have to try it themselves to get know better.

A Prediction, Calypso & What I Think Is the Next WordPress!

A lot of professional Drupal developers already have exit strategies. … They may even have a day job building or maintaining Drupal 6 and/or Drupal 7 sites, but they go home at night and study Ruby, Node.js, Angular.js, even some are looking into WordPress. They want to be “out” before they have to learn Drupal […]

How Will Calypso Change the Game? – ManageWP

When you take a look at Calypso, it’s clear that the target audience are users. Their users are content with letting Automattic handle the technical aspect for them, while they focus on the content. ManageWP users, on the other hand, are power users. Almost all of you either make a living off WordPress, or […]

Calypso, 24 Hours Later

The reaction to yesterday’s Calypso announcement has really blown me away.Here’s a tiny selection of of the coverage, analysis, and reactions to Calypso and the new As the title, reaction to Calypso release. Source: Calypso, 24 Hours Later

Matt Mullenweg Joins the Gillmor Gang to Discuss Calypso

Last week Matt Mullenweg, CEO of Automattic and co-creator of WordPress, joined Robert Scoble, John Borthwick, and Steve Gillmor to discuss Calypso on an episode of the Gillmor Gang. The video was … Probably it’s a good video. Unfortunately, do not have time to watch it now ???? Source: Matt Mullenweg Joins the Gillmor Gang […]